Integrating BIM with Cost Estimating Software

bim integrating

Did you know that Integrating BIM with Cost Estimating Software is possible? Many reliable cost-estimating software allow seamless integration with the Building Information Model.

Cost Estimating Services using Building Information Modeling technology to enhance the project. SMA Estimating LLC has many different software such as:

  • BIM Logic
  • Revit
  • Edificius
  • ArchiCAD
  • AllPlan
  • Vector Works

A question comes to mind, why should you integrate these two different types of software? How can they aid the construction process? To answer that question, let’s get into it! 

BIM Vs Cost Estimating Software 

Building Information Modeling is involved in creating a digital structure of the construction building. Graphic designers can create realistic models using different geometrical shapes, textures, and lighting. It can be done in the pre-construction or post-construction phase. You may be wondering why this sounds very expensive. If you are looking for an Affordable Cost Estimating Company that uses BIM technology, then partner up with SMA Estimating LLC!
On the other hand, cost-estimating software is powered by an AI algorithm. It aids the estimation process by calculating costs accurately and efficiently. The software can also be used for quantity takeoff, pricing, data presentation, collaboration, and monitoring of the project. Popular cost-estimating software includes:

  • Bluebeam
  • Stack
  • Planswift 
  • FastPipe
  • FastDuct 
  • Xactimate 
  • Trimble
  • Quest Estimating

BIM Integration With Cost Estimating Software 

BIM integration is very useful for cost estimation. It can streamline the construction project by increasing project management. It can also increase productivity, thus saving time and money as well. 

Improved Quantification of Materials 

Material takeoff needs to be accurate. If the calculation of the quantity of materials needed is wrong, then the whole estimation will be off. When you use a quantity takeoff software along with BIM, you can get the exact quantity of material.

A 3D model of the building showcases every curve and angle. One can precisely analyze how much material will be needed. The experienced eye of a cost estimator will be able to judge the quantity accurately. 

Detailed Analysis of Size

Integrating BIM with Cost Estimating Software allows estimators to evaluate the size and complexity of the building. These two factors are highly influential on the total expenditure. The exact square footage of the construction building needs to be known. For larger-scale construction projects, such as industrial or commercial BIM is very useful. It can be difficult for contractors to comprehend the size of the building based on just an idea. But a visual representation can help to clear things up.

Assessing the Complexity 

The more complex a building is, the greater will be its cost. With the advancements in architectural styles, buildings are getting more and more intricate. This intricacy is followed by a rise in cost. A 3D model allows one to assess the complexity of the building and evaluate how it will impact the cost.

Identification of Structural Flaws through BIM Integration

How does BIM integration help to identify flaws? When a client puts forward an idea about the building, it can be difficult to check its feasibility just based on a mental picture. When a 3D model is made, it becomes easier to identify any potential conflicts in the design. This saves the client from making any wrong investments. If you estimate the cost of a building that is not functional, then your reputation will also suffer! 

Improved Decision Making

3D modeling allows the client to view the final design of the building. If they don’t like it, then the designer can simply make changes. Through BIM integration, one can also choose the type of material with ease. When the client keeps changing his decisions regarding the construction project, the budget will suffer. The accuracy of a cost budget is threatened when the plans keep on changing. It could be as simple as the type of wood used in interior finishing. The price per unit will change and it will either result in an over or underestimated budget. 

Real-Time Collaboration

Communication and collaboration are vital in a construction project. Construction Estimating Services NYC integrates BIM with cost-estimating software to improve coordination as well. All architects, engineers, and stakeholders can communicate easily and share their perspectives. In this, an ideal building can be constructed. It will also improve the flow of construction and the project will get approvals quickly. Cost estimation will be more accurate, as transparency will increase as well!

To Conclude 

The use of technology for cost estimation has become a useful tool to create accurate estimates. Professional cost estimators are trained to use advanced technological tools to make sure that their cost projections are accurate. This is why many contractors are now relying on cost-estimating agencies. BIM integration with cost-estimating software has revolutionized the estimation process. It saves both time and money. And ensure that the construction project goes on smoothly just as planned.